Wilfrid Laurier University - Waterloo
Wilfrid Laurier University - Waterloo

75 University Ave West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Bachelor of Science - Psychology with Management Option (Optional Co-op) (UMX)

4-Year Bachelor's Degree

Program Summary

Psychology involves the scientific study of behavior and experience, including thinking, feeling and action. Study psychology to learn about human behavior, including: individual variations in sensation, how languages are learned, and why some people crave narcotics.

The Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Psychology program at Waterloo campus is structured to ensure that students are exposed to the breadth of content that exists within the natural, life and social science areas of psychology, while permitting sufficient flexibility for the, to pursue their particular interests within these areas. This program prepares them for a career or further training in a variety of fields that have a science basis.

This program also allows students to pursue a number of experiential learning activities, such as:
  • Applied community research
  • Community Service-Learning courses
  • LaunchPad program
  • Research labs

The fundamentals of business are at the heart of any organization and many careers. While students complete their degree in an Arts, Economics, Science or Music program, this Management Option will provide them with an understanding of the core principles of the business world, including accounting, marketing, human resources, operations, policy, and finance. They will take courses such as Understanding the Business Environment; Introduction to Financial Accounting; Introduction to Microeconomics or Macroeconomics; and Statistics.

Academic Background

Minimum Level of Education Completed

Grade 12 / High School

Minimum GPA


Minimum Language Test Scores

















Program Intakes

Open date

October 1, 2024

Submission deadline

April 1, 2025

Open date

May 1, 2025

Submission deadline

November 1, 2025

Cost and Duration

4-Year Bachelor's Degree

Program Level

4 year bachelor's degree

Program Length

$20635 CAD

Cost of Living

$252.15 CAD

Application fee

$32251 CAD / First Year

Gross Tuition

Other Fees

Health Plan Fee: $212 per year
Laurier Athletics and Recreation Fee: $177 per year
Dental Plan Fee: $126 per year
Laurier Health and Counseling Fee: $121 per year
U-Pass Fee: $216 per year