University of Tampa
University of Tampa

401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, Florida, USA

Master of Science - Exercise and Nutrition Science

Master's Degree

Program Summary

The Master of Science in Exercise and Nutrition Science prepares graduates to work in the sports industry, business, government and in education as practitioners on professional interdisciplinary teams. The program is for those seeking a strong foundation for further study and research including those pursuing a terminal degree. The program offers three entry points throughout the academic year (spring, summer and fall semester), and courses are scheduled to allow an efficient timeline to degree completion for full-time students.

Graduates are provided experiential learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. The program helps to prepare for certification exams including the Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN) and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) examinations, the premier certifications in strength and conditioning and sports nutrition, upon graduation if they choose to pursue certification.

Equipment contained in the lab includes:
  • Dual X-ray absorbtiometry for bone mineral density, lean mass and fat mass.
  • Ultrasonography to measure skeletal muscle size, locate soft tissue injuries and quantify blood flow, and blood vessel diameter.
  • Metabolic carts for VO2 max and resting metabolism measures.
  • Wingate peak power bikes for anaerobic power testing.
  • AMTI force plate for power and velocity.
  • Tendo units for movement, specifically power and velocity.
  • Dynavision for vision training, reaction time and cognitive function.
  • Electromyography for neural function and skeletal muscle activation.
  • High tech motion analysis and heavy duty motorized treadmills with 40-degree incline ability.
  • Minus 80°C freezer to maintain the integrity of biological samples
  • Blood lactate analyzers to examine metabolic stress and lactate threshold.
  • Piccolo blood analyzer.
  • BTE Primus isokinetic, isotonic and isometric dynomometers for measurement of force, power and velocity in virtually any plane
  • Catapult, applied GPS for athlete monitoring.
  • A fully equipped strength and conditioning laboratory.

Academic Background

Minimum Level of Education Completed

4-Year Bachelor's Degree

Minimum GPA


Minimum Language Test Scores

Program Intakes

Open date

October 2, 2024

Submission deadline

June 1, 2025

Open date

July 29, 2025

Submission deadline

November 1, 2025

Cost and Duration

Master's Degree

Program Level

2 year master's degree including practicum

Program Length

$16636 USD

Cost of Living

$40 USD

Application fee

$12762 USD / First Year

Gross Tuition

Other Fees

Book Fee: $1,600 per year
Student Health Fee: $980 per year
Student Service Fee: $100 per year