Accredited by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the distinctive masters’ qualification offered by this institution addresses current challenges that are recognized worldwide. The emphasis is placed on the role of sustainability within the historic context, both at technical and strategic levels. Leveraging their established expertise as a research locus for sustainable design, the course tackles concerns that have been internationally identified by the International Council on Monuments and Sites UK (ICOMOS) as the critical future direction of conservation education.
In summary, the course aims to broaden the career opportunities of students by enabling them to gain expertise in conservation, leading towards professional accreditation. It also aims to enhance their current expertise by developing skills to assert detailed and strategic responses to complex issues related to building conservation in the context of a sustainable agenda. Additionally, the course ensures that students possess the necessary knowledge and know where to seek advice in order to take responsibility when making reasoned decisions regarding multifaceted conservation issues. It enables students to use project-based case studies to develop a clear understanding of relevant legislative frameworks and to develop autonomous judgments of appropriateness in their responses to the historic built environment.