You want to study business in a welcoming atmosphere? You are at the right place. We know that students learn a lot more than business. They learn how to contribute to society, to bring real solutions to real problems and to develop confidence and assertiveness.
Knowledge of accounting is fundamental to all disciplines in business. The skills acquired in the program prepare students for positions of leadership in organizations spanning all sectors of the economy including, senior management, strategic government positions, consulting, teaching, auditing and finance. At the Williams School of Business, this concentration is accredited by the Order of Certified Professional Accountants of Quebec.
42 core credits + 39 required credits + 3 optional credits + 36 elective credits = 120 credits.
Core – 42 credits
- BAC121 Introduction to Financial Accounting I
- BAC221 Introduction to Management Accounting
- BCS220 Management of Information Systems
- BFN200 Introduction to Finance
- BHR221 Organizational Behaviour
- BMA140 Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions I
- BMG100 Understanding Business & Society
- BMG215 Introduction to International Business
- BMG221 Business Law and Ethics
- BMG311 Business Policy and Strategic Management
- BMK211 Marketing Management
- BMS231 Operations Management
- ECO102 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
- ECO103 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
- ILT100 Information Literacy and Critical Thinking (lab) *
* Mandatory 1-credit lab course for all B.B.A. students. This lab course cannot be used as a lecture course credit.
Required – 39 credits
- MAT196 Finite Mathematics for Business Students
- BAC122 Introduction to Financial Accounting II
- BAC211 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
- BAC212 Intermediate Financial Accounting II
- BAC311 Advanced Financial Accounting
- BAC312 Intermediate Managerial Accounting
- BAC322 Management Control
- BAC331 Taxation I
- BAC332 Taxation II
- BAC340 Auditing Systems and Control
- BAC341 Auditing: The Process
- BFN203 Corporate Finance
- BMA141 Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions II
Optional – 3 credits
- MAT197 Calculus for Business Students